Be a Problem Solver, Be a Researcher

the Support Initiative for African Researchers by Soar Research Foundation (SRF).

Introducing SIFAR

Support Initiative for African Researchers, a program (established in June 2024) is a component of Soar Research Foundation’s (SRF) Corporate Social Responsibility strategy. With a focus on accelerating Africa’s catch-up on its research and development aspirations. We focus on raising a large community of problem solvers through research career inspiration, research skills empowerment and support.

State of Research & Researchers in Africa

Africa's research landscape is critical for the continent's development and global contribution. Despite the immense potential, the number of researchers and the output of scientific knowledge in Africa remain significantly low compared to other regions.
Researchers per million inhabitants (FTE) 
Africa has only 98 researchers per million people, significantly lower than the 244 in the EU
Health researchers per million (FTE)
Africa hosts just 2.4% of the world’s researchers, highlighting the need for capacity development in health research.
Gross Domestic Expenditure on R&D (GERD) as % of GDP
Despite its vast potential, Africa contributes 0.33% on R&D (GERD) as of GDP
Patent Applications as % of global patent applications
Africa accounts for a mere 0.5% of patent submissions worldwide, underlining the gap in innovation.


Africa’s development depends on empowered young researchers generating high-quality solutions. SIFAR aligns with Agenda 2063’s goals for well-being and innovation, believing Africa’s unique challenges are best addressed by motivated local researchers.
Empowered young researchers are
crucial for Africa’s development.
SIFAR supports Agenda 2063’s
well-being and innovation goals.
Local researchers best address
Africa’s unique challenges.
Motivated African researchers
drive sustainable progress.

How we make it happen...

Our approach to empowering the next generation of African researchers is holistic and progressive. We focus on inspiring, training, mentoring, and networking to build a foundation for sustainable employment and career growth in research.

Cross-Cutting Areas
We address critical cross-cutting issues, including gender-transformative research and action research, ensuring our efforts are inclusive and impactful.

Research Excellence
Our programs are designed to teach, learn, collaborate, and disseminate knowledge, all while aspiring to the highest standards of research excellence.

Stage 1

Research Career Inspiration

We spark interest in research by motivating students and young innovators, highlighting its role in Africa’s development.

Stage 2


Our programs offer practical experience and essential skills, preparing trainees to excel in their research careers.

Stage 3


We pair aspiring researchers with seasoned mentors to guide them in developing proposals and securing funding.

Stage 4


We create communities for collaboration and knowledge exchange, essential for advancing research careers.

Stage 5

Job Creation

We connect training with employment, providing resources to support and create research-driven jobs.

Ready to Elevate Your Research Career?

Apply now for the upcoming SIFAR cohort and join a community of passionate researchers dedicated to driving Africa’s development. Don’t miss your chance to gain mentorship, training, and the resources you need to make a real impact.

Listen to Our In-Depth Podcast Series

Explore the Minds Shaping Africa’s Future
Dive into insightful conversations and expert discussions with our podcast, where we explore the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in research and development across Africa. Join us as we bring together thought leaders, researchers, and innovators to share their experiences, insights, and stories that are shaping the future.
Dive into insightful conversations and expert discussions with our podcast, where we explore the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in research and development across Africa. Join us as we bring together thought leaders, researchers, and innovators to share their experiences, insights, and stories that are shaping the future.
Dive into insightful conversations and expert discussions with our podcast, where we explore the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in research and development across Africa. Join us as we bring together thought leaders, researchers, and innovators to share their experiences, insights, and stories that are shaping the future.
Dive into insightful conversations and expert discussions with our podcast, where we explore the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in research and development across Africa. Join us as we bring together thought leaders, researchers, and innovators to share their experiences, insights, and stories that are shaping the future.

The SIFAR Blog

Our blog is your go-to source for in-depth articles, expert opinions, and the latest updates on research and innovation in Africa. Here, we delve into the issues that matter, share inspiring success stories, and provide valuable resources for researchers and innovators alike.